
F1 Dianthus chinensis

The genetical compact Divinity series represents the NEXT generation of chinensis Dianthus, offering improved performance for growers and retailers.
None or very little PGRs needed for production, holds better at retail due to non-stretching habit and is very uniform in greenhouse and landscape.

  • Natural dwarf and non-stretching habit

  • No use of plant growth regulators (PGR’s)

  • Early flowering and large flower size

  • Wide range of colors

  • Well suited for pack and small pot production

  • Superb shelf life during shipping and sales period

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Life cycle: annual
Use: packs, small to larger pots, containers
Height in pot: 20 cm (8”)
Pot size: packs, 10-15 cm (4-6”)
Garden height: 20-25 cm (8-10”)
Garden spread: 20-25 cm (8-10”)
Seed count: 1.100-1.250 s/gram (31.000-35.000 s/oz)
Seed form: raw

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